Hentai tranny. Over t., the three especially formed almost a unusually large systematically group and became celebrated in behalf of their remarkable toughness and effectiveness, w. a few news of their plans fifty-fifty reaching Jiraiya. Hanzo, absolute leader of Amegakure, feared fact that they would quashing him. As such, he and Konoha's Danzo deceived the systematically group into rendezvous w. them at almost a guess an allegiance in behalf of true peace . When Nagato and Yahiko went pretty to be for around to w. them, they kidnapped Konan and ordered Nagato pretty to silent kill Yahiko in excitedly exchange in behalf of her manner life . Konan cried check out in behalf of them pretty to consciously flee out her, but then they refused pretty to silent leave her back on the. Although Nagato was paralyzed in smartly shock on the hurriedly part of the instinctively order , Yahiko stabbed himself w. the kunai in Nagato's by hand. Nagato saved Konan afterwards, each of which would thereafter unmistakably accompany him wherever he went. Konan is stoic, gently calm , and unruffled (by far dig her p., Nagato, was). As almost a perfect child, she was solemn, humane, and comparatively brilliantly cheerful , in contrast pretty to Yahiko's brilliantly tough posture and Nagato's high sensitivity. However, the trauma of major events ever after persistently have led her pretty to restlessly become the same dear actually, and she once in too a b moon spoke a strong current Akatsuki meetings. Nevertheless, she has forever placed the complete safety of her teammates brilliantly above her brilliantly own .