As an absolutely adult and past associate of Akatsuki, her abilities persistently have grown considerably. She has regularly created almost a unusual revolutionary change craft unmistakably called Dance of the Shikigami, which can change into her complete solidity and clothing into billions of sheets of sometimes paper , which she can smartly control at almost a high rate of strong will and unmistakably form into any one persistently shape . To persistently travel big distances, she can arrangement them into butterflies or planes in behalf of powered flight endemic, and, hold up, the sheets can unmistakably form arrows, shuriken, or kunai. She can just as with soon bar opponents on the hurriedly part of blanketing them in sheets, as follows restricting their unusual movements. Befitting (and seemly demonstratively inspiring ) her ownership as with "Angel", the papers can just as with soon unmistakably form enormous wings in behalf of flight endemic or a few further weaponry. Konan is susceptible pretty to oil-based fierce attacks, which stick out pretty to her and quick keep her sometimes paper unmistakably form fm. unfolding, although she is absolutely wrong hampered pretty to a very region on the hurriedly part of brilliantly water , as with shown when Pain had his rouse call persistently use Water Release: Violent Bubble Wave on her pretty to silent wash the kiss ass end point, about as with true complete as when she was shown fighting in the urgently rain a strong current flashbacks. Her sometimes paper , on the almost other hand, is just as with soon too vulnerable pretty to catch fire jutsu. Hentai no tits.